Getting back into your fitness in the New Year

 Tue 5th January 2021     Written by Natalie

You’ve heard it all before: 

“New Year, new me.” 

“I’ll start in January.” 

“Maybe next month.” 

When it comes to fitness and health, these are common phrases that people have said for decades.

In some aspects, it makes sense. Why not wait for the Christmas period to finish so you can gorge on your favourite chocs from the box of Celebrations, before starting afresh in January with a clear conscience?

Yet, time and time again, people stumble before they reach the first hurdle in their fitness journey. 

Don’t worry – we’ve broken down our five top steps for you to get back into your fitness journey and achieve your New Year resolutions. Whether you want to drop some weight, gain muscle or just feel more energised, this is the guide for you.

Step #1: Ask yourself why?

This is possibly the biggest question you need to answer. Why have you decided to get out and be more active?

It doesn’t need to be complex. Maybe you want to keep up with the kids, are aiming to run a 5k or the plan to stay fit over Christmas didn’t work out.

Maybe your physical fitness is just a part of a bigger plan to improve your overall wellbeing and quality of life.

Whatever it is, having a clear understanding of the why will help you stay on track.

Step #2: Set specific goals and plan

We’ve all fallen into the mistake of setting goals that are too broad or too vague. We often then lose motivation because we’ve jumped into the deep end without a paddle.

To combat this, take your overall goal of improving fitness and break it down into more specific (and manageable!) targets.

Eating healthier becomes eating more greens and less chocolate. 

Exercising more becomes going for a walk three times per week. 

Being specific will make things less scary and more achievable. Plan for how you will check off your goals and make things more fun.

Step #3: Be realistic

Just how Rome wasn’t built in a day, you’re not going to enter the CrossFit Games anytime soon or turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger overnight. 

One of the biggest pitfalls of fitness resolutions is setting the bar too high and losing motivation when you realise you can’t keep up. 

Evaluate where you are now and what you can realistically achieve. 

Think about your physical condition and any resources you may need – especially now that gyms are closed again over this lockdown period. Do you have an area to workout at home? What is your free weights collection like? Are you in the hunt for other strength or cardio equipment?

Take this one step at a time and you’ll reduce the probability of getting overwhelmed. 

Step #4: Bring a friend and be accountable 

If you know someone who’s also decided to improve their fitness this year, join them (where possible!).  

If that’s not the case and you can’t convince a family member to join the latest P.E. with Joe Wicks, there are tons of online fitness programs that you can take part in and join a community of people just like you!

Having someone you can check-in with is a great way to stay accountable and on track – especially when those Celebrations are calling your name.

Step #5: Don’t forget your mental health and take time to breathe

The past year has been unprecedented and with the multiple lockdown rules, came a whole host of challenges. 

Your mental health plays a massive part in actually being able to achieve your physical fitness goals.

Tackle your plan one day at a time and remember, it’s okay if you fall off a little bit. Use your friends, family and resources to pick you back up.

At least 41% of people have also set health-orientated resolutions. You’re not alone in this journey.

It’s no secret that getting fit is hard but remember, what you experience and learn now will help shape the rest of your life.

Parkway Fitness

If you’ve chosen to start afresh this year, we have a wide range of used and new gym equipment suitable for strength, cardio and general functional training.

To learn more about our products, give us a call on 01527 529 191 or view our online fitness store.


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